Raftr Support: March 10 Product Update

Raftr publishes app and web updates every two weeks, adding new features, improving existing functions, and providing housekeeping and bug fixes as they arise. Here’s the latest summary of updates from this week’s new platform updates:


  • Updated posts and comments to have “likes” instead of reactions and votes
  • Updated timestamps to be formatted according to location (ie: DD/MM/YY instead of MM/DD/YY)
  • Updated account creation with a new look and with the introduction of personas
  • Some fixes like properly showing “first” name in some places in the app and join flow working properly for raft invites


  • Updated posts and comments to have “likes” instead of reactions and votes
  • Updated timestamps to be formatted according to location (ie: DD/MM/YY instead of MM/DD/YY)
  • Updated account creation with a new look and with the introduction of personas
  • Some fixes like properly showing “first” name in some places in the app and enabling more options for editing recurring events


  • Updated posts and comments to have “likes” instead of reactions and votes
  • Introduced hints throughout the app about key features
  • Updated account creation with a new look and with the introduction of personas
  • Some fixes like properly showing “first” name in some places in the app and lists of people accurately reflecting following status

Want to learn more? Book a quick 15 minute call with one of our Raftr Specialists.