Raftr Support: October 27 Update


  • Chat messages can now have files attached
  • ProUsers can now enable check-in for events they (or their aliases) create, with attendance tracking
  • Lots of notifications improvements, including:
    • Notifications can now be marked as “read” (individually, or all at once)
    • Notifications screen now has “new” and “earlier” sections to make it more clear which have already been seen there
    • Opening push notifications will now update the related notification in the app to be marked as read, as well as reducing the unread tally
    • Notifications can now be longer – for a better preview of their related content
    • The Messages screen now has an option to mark all conversations as “read”
  • Some additional fixes like making it more clear that you can cancel a request to join a raft or chat channel and updating some empty state and error messages to be more clear


  • Chat messages can now have files attached
  • ProUsers can now enable check-in for events they (or their aliases) create, with attendance tracking
  • Added new options to create Events and Posts on rafts’ home pages, as well as adding a collapsed state for the prompts to create content throughout the app
  • Lots of notifications improvements, including:
    • Notifications can now be marked as “read” (individually, or all at once)
    • Notifications screen now has “new” and “earlier” sections to make it more clear which have already been seen there
    • Opening push notifications will now update the related notification in the app to be marked as read, as well as reducing the unread tally
    • Notifications can now be longer – for a better preview of their related content
    • The Messages screen now has an option to mark all conversations as “read”
  • Some additional fixes like making it more clear that you can cancel a request to join a raft or chat channel, updating some empty state and error messages to be more clear, and link previews being hidden when there is not enough info to show for them


  • Chat messages can now have files attached
  • Events feed now has a map view to be able to see and discover events based on their locations
  • ProUsers can now enable check-in for events they (or their aliases) create, with attendance tracking
  • People with “broadcast” permission can now broadcast DM’s to multiple people or posts (of any type) to multiple rafts
  • Raft leaders can now delete their rafts
  • Lots of notifications improvements, including:
    • Notifications can now be marked as “read” (individually, or all at once)
    • Notifications screen now has “new” and “earlier” sections to make it more clear which have already been seen there
    • Notifications can now be longer – for a better preview of their related content
    • The Messages screen now has an option to mark all conversations as “read”
    • A new option to receive notifications via email
    • Updated, longer character limit for Announcements (to align with update to allow notifications to have more text)
  • Some additional fixes including:
    • Making it more clear that you can cancel a request to join a raft or chat channel
    • Updating some empty state and error messages to be more clear
    • Improving how the audience is selected when creating content
    • Updating list posts with Raftr users to include additional information from their profiles when available – locations, career info, and phone numbers that are set to be visible to others
    • Introducing visual indicators to members of secret rafts when seeing the rafts on Explore or in Search – to confirm the rafts are secret and only visible there to members

Want to learn more? Book a quick 15 minute call with one of our Raftr Specialists.