Raftr Support: Raft Management Settings

Once you have created a raft, you will have the opportunity to update many of its settings. These choices will allow you to set-up your raft to be tailored for the community of members you wish to attract. It is a good idea to keep these refreshed. Rafts you create have many modifiable components to customize the experience for your raft members (these settings are coming soon to Android and web, but if you’d like help before they’re on those platforms please let us know via ask@raftr.com). The following elements of a raft may be updated through settings menu (which is the gear icon in the upper right of a raft’s screen for its admin: Leaders, Co-Leaders, and Curators):


  • Choosing a category and topic for your raft is mandatory when you create it
  • These levels of categorization help people discover your raft via the Explore section of the app
  • You can modify your selection at any time via the raft’s settings


  • All rafts have at least one chat channel, and this is created at the time of raft creation. You can also choose to create more chat channels, so that there can be multiple topics of conversations relevant to the raft
  • You can modify the names of the channels at any time
  • You can also delete chat channels at any time, as long as there is always a minimum of one

Cover photo:

  • This is the picture that is on the Front Page of your raft
  • You can add or change the photo any time

Default posts sort:

  • Your raft has a tab for its posts, with buttons to allow people to choose how to sort them
  • This setting allows you to choose what the default is for any person who opens that posts tab
  • The options are:
    • Recent: All posts are shown in reverse-chronological order, according to when they were created (most recently created post at the top of the list)
    • Trending: All posts are shown in order of how many comments/ replies + reactions + votes on comments/ replies they have within the last 48 hours (most comments, reactions, and votes are at the top of the list)
    • Events: Only posts with an event added are shown; they are shown in order of when the event is – with the soonest coming event at the top of the list
  • You can modify your selection at any time via the raft’s settings


  • When you write a description of your raft, up to 225 characters, it will show up as an “About” section on the info page for your raft (which people see when they tap/ click the “i” button in the upper right of your raft’s screen)
  • The description also shows up for your raft in some discovery lists on the Explore section of the app and in search
  • This description gives you a bit more space than the tagline to tell everyone what your raft is all about
  • You can add or edit your raft’s description via the raft’s settings at any time


  • This is the picture that represents your raft throughout the app, on the Rafts section of the app for all members, on the Explore section of the app, in Search, and on other people’s profiles
  • You can add or edit it any time via the raft’s settings.


  • Join requests:
    • If your raft’s privacy is set to private and “by request”, you will see incoming requests from people who would like to join your raft in the raft’s settings
    • You can accept or delete each request
  • Member management:
    • Everyone who joins a raft is a member
    • The person who creates a raft is its leader and may also have co-leaders and curators – all known as its raft admin
    • In a raft’s Member Management settings you can release members (to evict them from the raft), promote people into raft admin roles, or demote people out of admin roles


  • The name of your raft is set when you create it
  • Raft names are required to be 25 characters or less
  • Updating the name of your raft will not update its permanent URL (for example: www. raftr .com/ raft/ 5925ead3e76dc95d60bd7725 – though this link intentionally does not work) which is where the raft is found on the web and how the app is shared
  • For user-curated rafts, raft names may not be duplicated; if you attempt to create a raft with the name of one that already exists, you will be prompted to choose a new name (or you can search for the raft by that name to join it)
    • A raft’s name can be changed at any time via the raft’s settings


  • By default, a raft’s privacy is set to public
  • This can be updated any time through the raft’s settings
  • We have a separate blog which can tell you more about privacy settings


  • A raft’s rules are the guidelines its members should follow
  • These rules show up on the info page for your raft (which people see when they tap/ click the “i” button in the upper right of your raft’s screen)
  • You can add or edit your raft’s rules via the raft’s settings at any time


  • A raft’s tagline is a short and sweet description of the raft (up to 50 characters), which is required when you create the raft
  • The tagline shows up on the front page of your raft
  • You can add or edit your raft’s tagline via the raft’s settings at any time

Welcome Message:

  • When someone joins a raft, they will be greeted with the raft’s welcome message
  • A welcome message can be up to 550 characters
  • You can add or edit your raft’s welcome message via the raft’s settings at any time

Want to learn more? Book a quick 15 minute call with one of our Raftr Specialists.